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Writer's pictureJoann Hicks

Your Peace and Prosperity are Flowing Like a River This Day

Is 48:17-18 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way that you should go. Oh, that you had hearkened to My commandments! Then your peace and prosperity would have been like a flowing river, and your righteousness [the holiness and purity of the nation] like the [abundant] waves of the sea.

Hear Me, says the Father, I Am making all grace and spiritual blessing come to you in abundance, even this day. Your continued press in the face of opposition which many times has been even greater than you realize, has brought expansion into your life. You have passed the test, I Am pleased with you. Now you can move forward in confidence knowing that I promised it, and therefore, I will bring it to pass. Your audacious faith looks the enemy in the eye until he blinks, then it’s all over and you clean up the spoils. You don’t have to be the most skilled soldier on the battlefield, just obedient, persistent enough to outlast your opponent, and call his bluff.

My peace is flowing to you like a river even this moment, says the Father, continue to rest in My everlasting arms, you are being kept safe in My shelter from the onslaught of opposition you have faced. As the smoke clears and your stepping out time comes, do not neglect the time spent in the secret place so that your clarity and focus remains on the things that really matter, fine tuning your perception to receive detailed instructions that maneuver you into the hidden and distraction-free zone where nothing can hinder what I intend to do, whether by many or by few, you will know and experience that it is true when My prosperity and favor are raining down on you.

Don’t forget when all your needs are met and your dreams begin to materialize, that it was I, says the Father, that brought you into your land flowing with milk and honey. I give you the power to get wealth so that My covenant will be established in the earth. The tide is rising in the midst of the chaos, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will experience increase in the manifold wisdom of God. If you don’t like where you find yourself today, then consider the seeds you have been sowing. It’s never too late to start again pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling found in Christ Jesus. You will certainly reap if you don’t give up and faint.

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