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Stay Close To The Lord

Doug Addison 

Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!” Psalm 66:1–3 NIV


As we take time to sing, worship the Lord, sing in the Spirit and shout for joy, we will be drawn closer to the Lord.


There is a special anointing and power of the Lord in worshiping, praising and joy. This will continue to increase as we press in and don’t give up.


It will also help us if we recount the good things the Lord has done for us.


It is important to stay encouraged and to encourage others. Stay in a place of prayer, reading the Bible and worshiping the Lord.


The joy of the Lord is your strength!


Ask the Lord for Grace


May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. Psalm 67:1–3 NIV


As we ask the Lord for grace and mercy, His face will shine upon us! He is renewing His promises to us and bringing deeper healing.


It will help to join with others in praise, worship and prayer as much as we can. Agreeing with others in prayer will open things up more quickly.


Ask the Lord to bless us specifically in the areas of need that we might have.


Praise the Lord for His awesome love, protection, blessings, and peace!


Stay in the Place of Love


As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. John 15:9 NIV


Love is the most important aspect for our lives. Jesus said, “I love you” and the Father loves you!


The Lord will never leave or forsake you. We need to remain confident, stay in hope and remain in His love.


As we continue to build our foundation on the love of God (the love of Jesus), we will be able to withstand any storms that come against us.


I want to encourage you to not give up, stay in hope, stay at peace, and stay in the place of prayer, praise and joy.


Remain in the love of Jesus!




True Lord God, we ask that You would bring us closer to You.


We pray that You would increase our ability to worship in the Spirit and praise Your holy name.


Lord, we ask that You would bless us, protect us, make Your face shine upon us and be gracious to us.


We pray that You would remind us of Your great promises and open up Bible verses.


Bring us into a place of power, peace, love and hope. In the name of the true Jesus.


Breakthrough in Prayer


Here’s the process that I use to breakthrough in prayer:


I find Bible verses, pray in the promises, agree with others and do deep repentance of anything I might have “in common” that would stop the Lord from moving and blessing.


It is important to add worship, fun and joy to this!


Think about it, pray about it and let’s agree together for your needs.


What do you specifically need?


Use this process and prayer to remove any strongholds, jam-ups, gridlocks and delays.


Repentance Prayer:


Lord, we repent, renounce, and break anything we have “in common,” including generational—soul ties, curses, things that we may have done knowingly or unknowingly.


We also come into agreement in prayer to break out of things that are holding us back.


We forgive and break off the spirit of unforgiveness. (We don’t have to agree with the person or people who wanted us to forgive them.)


Lord, I ask forgiveness if I have done anything that has hurt anyone, if I’ve come into agreement with anything knowingly, or unknowingly, against this message or that would stop You from breaking us out of the old season and into the new.


Also, I ask forgiveness for any misuse of finances, spiritual gifts or anything You’ve given me, known or unknown.


Lord, we ask You to flush out the things that are unseen and send them where the true Jesus sends you.


In the name of the true Jesus. Amen.

Special Note from From Daily Prophetic Words of God: Can we pray for you? The Bible says to confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much (makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working). We endeavor to respond to prayers through email ... submit a request for Prayer or a Prophetic Word here.

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