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Your Chokepoint of Blessing is Being Removed Says God!

Word by Russ Walden

In John 10:10 AMPC, Jesus said, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). That means that God is moving to eliminate every chokepoint of the enemy against your blessing - right now today!

The Father says to you, What is your chokepoint? Where do you draw the line on what I Am willing to do in your life? At what point do you stop and think, well, I guess this wasn’t God’s will, or this is too much to ask for? It is at that point that you must contend for what I said I will do. Press into the pressure and move with the opposite spirit. I desire that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. How prosperous is your soul? The chokepoint in your belief, is the point of limitation that you have placed upon Me. When I say exceeding abundantly, I mean over and above. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. As your soul is cleansed by the washing of water by the Word, your faith is building a fortress inside of you, drawing the things to you that you have need of.

The Father says today, I am increasing your vitality and strength in this season. I will cause you to taste of the vintage of My Spirit that launches you into the "now" experience of My provisioning and My delivering hand. There has been a grappling taking place in your life as the enemy has sought to dispose of your blessing and to destroy your ability to contain that blessing. But the Father says, I am shoring up those things in your life that need to be strengthened. I am strengthening those things that have weakened and been strained to the cracking point. Even those around you at times saw the pressure and wanted to do something to help, but the Father says, I'm the hero. What others could not or would not be willing to do, I will bring about by My hand.

I will bring forth justice in your life, says the Father. I will establish divine justice at the judgment bar of heaven. The accuser has pointed the finger. The accuser has accused, but you refused to shake your fist in My face. You have been willing, and you have been pliable. You continually looked to me as you grappled with difficult questions and situations. As you wrestled and as you struggled, your eye was cast to the heavens awaiting upon My hand to act, and that time has come. The Father says, I have heard your cry and I have dispatched assistance. This is the hour of breakthrough for you and the time of change you have cried out for. Put your foot forward. Let your hand be first to the task, says the Father. Do not wait for someone else to do what I have called you to do and as your hand is first to the task, says the Father, my hand will be first to the blessing that I'm bringing forth into your life.

Children learn God is good, the devil is bad. So, if something is killing, stealing, and destroying it is not God’s will for you. If it is for having and enjoying life, it is what Jesus paid the ultimate price to provide for us. Poverty is a curse; abundance is a blessing. That word abundance has the sense of beyond, superabundance in quantity, superior in quality (excessive)…exceedingly abundantly above, beyond measure…We capture our thoughts and choose God’s thoughts over the world’s thoughts.We choose to receive all that God has provided and intended for us to have.

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