Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden
I hear the Father say:
This is your "ALL THINGS BEING ADDED SEASON!" The enemy's hold on your breakthrough is BROKEN this day by the power of My hand, says the Father. No more will you sow much and harvest only a little. No more putting money in a bag with holes in it. The turnaround time has come, and you are pressing into it by your acts of audacious faith-believing in the positive promises of My word. This day says God, I am releasing the wind of the Matthew 6:33 dynamic. You have sought Me. You have EVER sought My kingdom, and I've seen that says the Father and now the ALL THINGS BEING ADDED DETONATION of power, blessing, provision, and breakthrough has come. I've seen as you hoped against hope when things were falling apart. You stood on My word, and you laid hold on the promise of pressed down, shaken together and running over, and I say to you the windows of provision and gates of increase in the heavens are thrown open in full measure to address every area of deficit in your life and fulfill that vision you refused to let go of even when things seemed impossible.
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