Father's Heart Ministry
The Father says today, respond promptly to the leading of My Spirit. Your response time to Me is a measurement of My response time to you. If you fold your hands and dig in your heels, you create an unnecessary delay for the next thing I have for you in life. Bless at all times. Let praise be continually in your mouth. What is in your mouth and heart in abundance gets out into your life and sets the preamble for what happens next in your situation. Guard your heart. Set a watch on your mouth. Maintain a willing heart allowing Me to guide you with My eye into the very center of My will.
On the other side of obedience, says the Father, there is always a reward. Many are chosen, and many I have positioned for greatness that fell away because of character issues. Remember, in Christ, I’ve called you to have character, not be a character. Being a religious loon will get you nowhere. Be joyful, yes, but be sober and ever vigilant just the same. The enemy is out there threatening, but I have equipped you and armed you with impregnable weapons to defeat his every strategy. You won’t falter, and you won’t fail as you keep yourself in the close place to My side, responding with absolute obedience to every nuance of My command.Â
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