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Prophetic Word: God’s Plans Being Released in September

Doug Addison

Let the prophetic plan of the Holy One of Israel quickly come to pass so that we can see what it is! Isaiah 5:19 TPT At this time of the year, we are entering the Days of Awe—Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) September 18–20 and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), September 27–28, 2020. We are no longer under the Law of Moses, but God speaks clearly at this time of year about your destiny and assignments for the coming year. This year the Lord is going to balance the Books for repayment. He is releasing the storehouses of Heaven to replenish the storehouses of Earth. The Lord is releasing a greater clarity, and we are entering into a new season. God is releasing the storehouses of Heaven to replenish the storehouses of Earth. Windows of Heaven are opening Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10 NKJV This prophetic word is not about tithing (though it is a powerful principle), but the promise of the Lord to open the windows of Heaven and bring blessing that will help those in need. The storehouses on Earth have been emptied out with the pandemic and many superstorms, fires, and floods. But the storehouse of Heaven are indeed full! There is a release of financial ideas and blessings that will help the hurting world and prepare us for revival. Watch for financial blessings and strategies of financial increase to come. This will bring about some radical changes for some as we enter the new era of working. Windows of Heaven need Cleaning I saw the windows of Heaven were being blocked over many people by the enemy. Satan is trying to hold back blessings and financial flow. There has been so much attack against finances that there is a need for cleaning to get them open. There has been so much attack against finances that there is a need for cleaning to get them open. Prayer to open the heavens Prayer to Renounce the Illegal Access of the Windows of Heaven by Paul Cox of Aslan’s Place. This is an excerpt from the prayer: “Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to forgive us for illegally accessing the windows of Heaven for the purpose of personal financial gain. I repent for and renounce opening any heavenly windows through occult practice, idolatry, divination, witchcraft, covenant breaking, ungodly trading, the exploitation of others and false religions. I also repent for closing windows that should not be closed. Please close every window, gate, and door that we opened illegally, and open every window, gate, and door that should not have been closed. In Jesus’ Name.” You can CLICK HERE to pray the full prayer. New 7-year season We are entering into a new 7-year season. From 2013 until now, we have had to work hard and contend for nearly everything. We are leaving seven years of contention and entering a time of greater authority and anointing to overcome the evil one. We are leaving seven years of contention and entering a time of greater authority and anointing to overcome the evil one. As we enter this new season, the Lord will start to reveal to you the bigger picture. It will require a battle in prayer as the old is trying to keep a foothold on you. But God is releasing a greater understanding. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 1 Corinthians 13:9–10 NIV As individuals, we will seldom have the full picture of what God is doing. But God is releasing a “bigger picture” understanding as missing pieces are coming into place. God is bringing a new level of wisdom and understanding to you. Your ability to hear the Lord is going to take a sudden acceleration starting this month. Things may not go back to normal for a while, but God is releasing a blessing and power to operate in the new normal. Mourning to gladness I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. Jeremiah 31:13 NIV I have found great comfort and joy this year. In the midst of the pandemic, I have entered in a wellspring of joy. It is all how you look at things. Ask the Lord to give you a vision for what is coming to you. Ask for a new strategy and plan! Blessings, Doug Addison

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