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Let The Pressure Off and EnJoy! Says The Lord!

Writer's picture: Joann HicksJoann Hicks

A Word by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Beloved, have you been putting too much pressure on yourself for too long? If so, the Lord gave me an encouraging word for you today that I believe will bring you joy.

Here's what the Lord says to you today:

“In this season, I want you to let the pressure off yourself and enjoy what I am doing for you.

You are in a season of unprecedented miracles, breakthroughs, and answers to prayer. I am moving in a way you have not seen before, for your seeds are coming up and your harvest is breaking through. Even before your seeds have a chance to flower, I am bringing the harvest that I have ordained. You have sown for many things, and I have not forgotten your seeds. I am breaking through; again I say, I am breaking through for YOU! The plowman is overtaking the reaper in this season. The wise man is overtaking the foolish man. The small ones are becoming great and are increasing with the blessing of Abraham, which I used to make him rich! You have been last, but now I am making you first. You are so humble before Me, and the due time is now. I am lifting you up. I am exalting you above your enemies round about you. You will still have enemies, but you will be so far above them that they will be beneath your notice. The key to it all is a rested life. In My rest, you find your ability to trust Me again. In My rest, you can encounter Me like you have always desired to encounter Me. Inside of My rest, there is peace for you. And I can move in these kinds of conditions. This is why I have compelled you to rest. The breakthroughs you have needed and desired for so long can only come when you are in that place of intimacy with Me that only rest can produce. So you thought things were topsy-turvy, but I have been guiding you all along. I am breaking through now, and you shall not easily forget what I am going to do. The things I will do FOR YOU in this season are unprecedented; you have not seen them before. There truly is no precedent, for I have carefully brought you to this place where I have been before but you never have. I am with you in this place. I will lead you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Troubles may encamp around the wicked, but I am already encamped about you. Never forget that! I am perfecting that which concerns you. I am doing this all the time. Not a day goes by in which I am not on your side. Again I say, I will never leave you nor forsake you! I am working on your behalf right now. In this season, I want you to let the pressure off yourself. I am with you to comfort you, and I am making all things new in your life. I need you to rest in Me for an extended period, and by doing so you will find yourself on miracle territory.” The Lord continued: “Learn to work from a place of rest. Learn to abide in Me and do all things with Me, for then and only then are you truly abiding in the Vine that is My Son, Jesus. In Me you live and move and have your being, so focus on simply remaining in Me and letting Me help you do all things I have commanded you to do. I need you to enjoy this season. I am whipping up delicacies for you to eat. I am cooking up amazing things for you; things I have been dreaming of doing for you your whole life. This is a season of gifts and surprises; of the MEGA and the MORE. When you give a gift, do you want people to appreciate it? Of course you do, for I made you in My image. I am the same way; you are just like Me. And I have been working on these things for you so long that I can't WAIT to see you enjoy them. But you can't enjoy anything when you are always rushing, rushing, rushing! Will you sit down with Me and stay awhile? Will you enjoy Me and the pleasure of My company? Will you delight in Me while I also delight in you? I have amazing things for you in this season. And I do not want you to do nothing, but I want you to stay in lock-step with Me and stay in My rest. I need you to gaze at My face and allow nothing to eclipse that. This is your position of safety; I am your position of rest! I want to give you rest right now, but you have to be willing to receive it. You have to be willing to walk in it. To walk in My rest, you have to live in the instant. I am with you to keep you, and I will never leave you nor forsake you. That's one of My favorite things to tell you; did you notice that? I am with you always, even to the end of the world–and I am ON YOUR SIDE! I am the God of angel armies, and I have dispatched My armies on your behalf. Even now, My angels are coming to your rescue. Even now, I am dispatching them to fight your battles and war over whatever concerns you. Praise Me, for My angels are responding right now to My command and are doing My work in your life! You are so cherished and so loved. You have no idea how much I love you and cherish you, but you will. You will understand more over time. For right now, abide in every measure of My love that you do know about and understand. Thank Me for it, and I will open up your receptors to receive even more of My love. Focus on My love in this season. Receive it; abide in it; revel in it; let My love be your delight. You are greatly beloved, My child. So come aside with Me and rest awhile. Let's sit together and feast at My table. I am with you to comfort you, and you shall not be ashamed. Let the pressure off yourself RIGHT NOW and enjoy this season,” says the Lord. Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You for loving us so well. We choose to let the pressure off and receive. We CHOOSE to delight in Your love, and You will bring us the desires of our heart. Thank You, Abba Father. You are so good.

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