A Word by Russ Walden
The Father says today, I am doing for you what man cannot do for you. What the banker cannot do, what the physician or the counselor cannot do, I am bringing about. In My presence is fullness and not lack. Fullness of life – fullness of everything. Acquaint yourself with My fullness, says the Father, and know – know that I am working in the midst of all of man's temporal solutions to bring about the resolution of every need and challenge you are facing. Your life consists of more than what finances can affect or medications can influence. Your life blinks in and out of existence according to a frequency that resonates from My throne. This is the rain that rains on the just and the unjust. The invitation to you is not only to be the recipient of My grace but also to come into intimacy with the Originator of that grace. The invitation is to be one with Me.
Set aside, says the Father, the figment of the corporeal. I am the invisible God and rule every aspect of your life from the eternities. Being connected to Me means that eternity is touching you and coursing through you right now. Finite limitation is a tyranny that brings fear. Fear not beloved, for I am working to cause a realization of My irreducible life on the inside of you. This is life and life more abundantly. It is yours now. Ruling and reigning is now. Absolute provision is yours now. Unclench your hands. Realize that you are drawing upon the bank of heaven, not the limited resources of the earthly realm. You are breathing in and breathing out of My limitlessness. I will not leave your soul in hell. I will not allow you to be swallowed up of corruption. You are being swallowed up of Eternal Life. I am swallowing you – filling you every single day. You are safe. You are secure. Take a breath, and know the joy found only in the finality of My love for you this day.
Can we pray for you? The Bible says to confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much (makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working). We endeavor to respond to prayers through email ... submit a request for Prayer or a Prophetic Word here.