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Daughters Of God, Your Healing Is Upon You So You May Run Like You Have Never Run Before!

Writer's picture: Joann HicksJoann Hicks

A Word by Lana Vawser

Recently I walked into my office and sat down at my table and saw a wonder woman painting on the wall. As we had only just recently moved into this new house, I didn’t know whether Kevin had put the painting up overnight and that’s why it was highlighted to me, or whether the Lord was highlighting it. It was standing out so strongly to me. So, I asked Kevin and sure enough it had been there for quite a while. So, I went to the Lord to ask Him what He was highlighting. As I sought His heart, He spoke these words:

“Many of My daughters have been assaulted for a long period of time by ferocious attacks of the enemy and physical assaults in their body. There have been relentless attacks against them that they feel they cannot run into all I have for them in this new era. They feel their walk is hindered, let alone being able to run. I have heard the cries of My daughters crying out, “God how can I run into all you have for me in this new era when I feel like I am in chains? “My daughters, I have heard your cries and I am not late. I am not late in what I will bring forth in your life. My timing is perfect, and I am now raising you up in the empowerment of My Spirit like never before. You have been to depths you never imagined you would go and the enemy has fought hard to take you out, to take your down and to crush you, but I am declaring that you are rising up now in the empowerment of My Spirit in strength, in velocity and power like nothing you have ever walked in before”

“Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me.” – Song of Songs 8:5 (The Passion Translation)


“My daughters, I know the battles have been long and have wearied you but I have been with you in every step. I have whispered to you and My voice has brought you life and strength. I have developed in you in the fire, in the battle, in the lion’s den, a strength that will never be stolen from you. It is a strength in Me that is called endurance. It is a strength in Me that is found in the words that flow from My mouth alone and are not shaken by the words of men. I have brought you deeply into the place of intimacy with Me where the words from My mouth and the words of My heart to you are your life. In you has been established a level of trust in Me that cannot be shaken. It is a confidence in you that has been forged in the fire that REFUSES TO LET GO. No matter what you have walked, the heat of the fire, in the weariness, in the discouragement, in the battle, even when you have wanted to give up, there is a fire growing in you that you haven’t been able to understand that says “I WILL NOT LET GO”. Even on the days you have wanted to run, the fire within you rises again. “I CANNOT LET GO!” That is the work of My hand. For what the enemy has meant for your harm, I have turned for good. He has assaulted you, attacked you and come against you so ferociously and for many of you, you have battled such torment in the dark, that no one knows about, but I KNOW.”

“The enemy has assaulted you for years, but I am going to restore ALL TO YOU in a MOMENT. I am going to restore to you SUDDENLY. I know many of you are so weary, but in a MOMENT everything will change. EVERYTHING will shift. It’s not nice words, it’s the declaration of My heart. I am the God who is RIGHT ON TIME! I am the God who restores to MORE than before.”


“My daughters, you have been shaken, knocked down and hit in so many different ways, but I say unto you now, the winds of My Spirit and the tidal wave of My revelation and resurrection power is crashing upon you now and causing you to arise into a strength and empowerment of My Spirit where you will RUN. 

“You will NOT be stopped! You will NOT be stopped! Get your new shoes on for it is time to run in greater velocity. I am increasing your sight in this new era in 3D as you lean into Me and remain teachable, that’s why the enemy has been attempting to hinder your vision. I am releasing CRYSTAL CLEAR HEARING of what I am saying into your life, deep discernment as you lean in and seek My heart, that’s why the enemy has been attempting to fill your head with noise and chatter. I am healing your bodies supernaturally so that you can run in all I have for you and you will run in the mantle of healing. Many of you have been so tormented by a spirit of infirmity, I declare over you today that it will break in a moment. The roar of My power and authority will chase away this spirit of infirmity. In a moment you will be delivered. It will run away like a dog with its tail between its legs. I will cause the enemy to be hung on the very noose he tried to hang you with as I raise you up in power and revelation of your authority to bring healing and deliverance to multitudes. As the spirit of infirmity has assaulted you, not only shall you be healed and delivered, now you shall go forth ministering powerfully in HEALING and DELIVERANCE. The fullness of time has come. It’s the Kairos season. I will deliver, heal and restore you in a moment.”

“Say to those who have an anxious heart, Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you” – Isaiah 35:4 (ESV)


A few days ago as I was sleeping, I felt a significant, physical shift take place in the spirit. It was so big that it woke me from my sleep. What I felt strongly in this shift was something HUGE had moved and shifted and I felt a SIGNIFICANT sense of peace. 

I sought the Lord and I heard Him say:

“I am moving the mountains! The large, giant things that have come against My daughters, I am moving them. I am shifting them. My daughters you have taken your stand in faith and continued to believe. I am moving the mountains. I am closing the door on these assaults and mountains. You are stepping into the place of great peace. You will know peace in the land. 

“He’s the one who brings peace to your borders, feeding you the most excellent of fare.” (Psalm 147:14 – TPT)

“You will be marked by My power and it shall shift, lift and change everything. My power will ignite you to run, to fly, to be elevated and accelerated.”

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