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Writer's pictureJoann Hicks


A Word by Steve Porter

Right now God is declaring to the body of Christ, “I, the Lord, will empower YOU with a special anointing and use you in the area of your deepest wounds, to bring healing and restoration to others!” In my own life, I have seen the Lord bring a special anointing in the area of rejection, restoration, and healing because the Lord first allowed me to face that same kind of crushing pain, whether it came as a result of my own poor choices or by the hand of others. It was in this furnace of affliction, not in the green grass by peaceful rivers, that I was prepared for what I’m doing now. In fact, we will truly have a tender heart of compassion for those who walk in our shoes, once we allow the Healer of Broken Lives to minister the love of Christ through those wounded, yet now-healed places inside us. Interestingly enough, what I assumed was a curse of the devil, God has actually turned around for good. (Genesis 50:20) Those painful times were actually a training camp where I learned obedience through the things I suffered. Meekness doesn’t come through impartation or by the laying on of hands, but through a vessel that has been beautifully broken, as we learn to depend and lean on Him alone. When He is all we have left, He becomes our all in all, our very breath, our life. In that place, our hearts overflow with incredible love as the result of a personal revelation of Jesus where even the mention of His name stirs our very souls and makes us weep. That’s passion that cannot be quenched, no matter what happens next. From that place we know, we will never be the same again, because we have walked through the fire and come out ablaze with passion for Christ and compassion for souls. We also carry a message that will silence even the harshest critics, because we also carry the fragrance of our Beloved, and His glory transforms the atmosphere wherever we go, touching lives in ways nothing else can. If this describes you, take heart, because it’s from that place where God can use you best. .

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