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Writer's pictureJoann Hicks

Joy Is Coming in The Morning

If You Feel Like You've Been Through A Lot This Year Then This Prophetic Word is for YOU!

by Denise Jordan

Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His,

And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life;

Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning." - Psalms 30:1-5

As I came to pray for you today, I saw a vision of someone weeping with a sore heart. You’ve been through a lot. Today, Jesus wants you to know that joy isn’t impossible for you to have. He desires to work a miracle in your heart, and wants to empower you against all odds. If this is you, and you’ve been weeping, He’s here to show you how to grab a hold of His joy and walk forward in power. Open your heart as He says to you:

“My child, rest in My embrace. I know that you’ve faced so much loss and grief and that your heart aches with pain. Come, and experience the power of My comfort and love. For when I draw you into My embrace, not only will I identify with your pain, but I will pour forth My healing balm upon your heart, and I will transform your mourning into dancing. When I reach into your heart with My love, I don’t seek to make you feel better, or to merely take your pain from you. Your pain is real and I feel it as much as you do. However, I desire to take your pain and to transform it into joy unspeakable.

Where your circumstances tell you stories of hardship, I will give you a new perspective

and fill your soul with power and overwhelming strength. For when you come to Me, you

give Me license to show you a fresh perspective on the road ahead. When you praise Me

despite of your despair, you give Me the ability to paint fresh pictures for the path I have

ahead of you, and you allow Me to pour into you an anointing those around you need.

So, let Me teach you how to take the pain you are feeling and transform it into a resource

of never-ending joy. That joy will become your strength and a banner you wave high in

the sky for others to follow. Child, you are not alone and I feel what you feel. As you

embrace Me, you won’t just move forward and get by, but you’ll be empowered to fulfill

your calling in victory. For I’ve indeed come to give you abundant life,” says the Lord.

Special Note from From Daily Prophetic Words of God: Can we pray for you? The Bible says to confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much (makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working). We endeavor to respond to prayers through email ... submit a request for Prayer or a Prophetic Word here.

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